The Specialist Resource Provision provides support and skill development for students with vision impairment to achieve their potential and work towards independence. We are a mainstream secondary school, providing a full, broad and balanced mainstream curriculum at Key Stage 3 and 4.
Access to learning and learning to access is the central theme of our approach to supporting students with vision impairment.
All students who attend the Specialist Resource Provision have an Education and Health Care plan with vision impairment as their primary need. The students enjoy full mainstream inclusion and access to the National Curriculum alongside their sighted peers using modified work and generic and specialist ICT equipment to access resources, including laptop computers, Braillenote Touch devices and other equipment.
"Pupils with visual impairment achieve well and play a full part in school life because of the excellent support they receive." - Ofsted 2019
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The Woking High Specialist Resource Provision is one of two centres in Surrey within a mainstream secondary school, and is fully equipped to support the needs of students with vision impairment.
The team consists of two Specialist Qualified Teachers of vision impairment (QTVIs), two Higher Level Teaching assistants and Specialist Teaching assistants. The team provide a full package of support for students with a vision impairment, including bespoke modification of learning resources, specialist teaching and in class support to ensure access to all areas of the mainstream curriculum. In class, support is provided by our team of Specialist Teaching assistants, although it is our long term aim to develop independence within and beyond the classroom.
The Specialist Resource Provision provides skill and knowledge development encompassing the areas of the Curriculum Framework for children and young people with a Vision Impairment. The specialist teaching opportunities include sensory development (Braille, tactile diagrams), communication, literacy, accessing information independently, information technology, social, emotional and physical wellbeing, including sports and leisure. We work closely with external providers such as Careers Advisors, Blind in Business, Thomas Pocklington Trust, Look UK and Sight for Surrey where specialist additional knowledge and experience is advantageous.
Schemes of work are developed for each student based on their targets agreed at Annual Review, as well as incorporating any additional needs arising during the year. In addition, the Centre can be used at break and lunchtime by students and their friends for social chat. At lunchtime there is a homework club to offer support in completing work if needed. Students can also receive help with revision for their examinations.
All students attending the Specialist Provision are encouraged to participate fully in the life of the school. Students have been recognised as ‘student of the week’ for a variety of achievements, completed the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, recognised as Young Achievers and represented the school as part of the choir.
As a Resource Provision we regularly take part in ‘Envision’ theatre visits which include a touch tour. Inclusion in all school visits such as the residential Year 7 camp. We encourage participation in extra-curricular activities and students participate in activities such as French club, gardening club and debating club. We meet up with other Specialist Centres and take part in VI related courses such as the 'Look’ mentoring programme.
Visits to the Specialist Resource Provision by parents and prospective students are welcomed. Before attending the school full time there is an induction programme so that students feel confident about transferring to a secondary setting.
If you are a prospective parent or student please contact the school to arrange a time to visit. We look forward to welcoming you.