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Woking High School recognises our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare and safety of all students. We maintain an attitude of “it could happen here”; and believe that all staff, governors and visitors have a role in the prevention of harm and abuse through the promotion of our ‘Challenge it, Report it, Change it, Together’ initiative.

Staff receive annual training in child protection and safeguarding, and are aware of the procedure for passing on welfare concerns within the school through our CPOMS system for student concerns and our STAFFSAFE system for low level staff concerns.

We make every effort to provide an environment in which children and adults feel safe, secure, valued and respected, and feel confident to talk if they are worried, believing they will be effectively listened to.

If parents/carers need to report a concern, please contact a member of the Safeguarding Team.

​Safeguarding Policies
Useful websites
Online Safety
Report a Safety Concern

Designated Safeguarding Leads


IMG 6415 Mr Crowley

Mr M Crowley

Assistant Headteacher and Lead DSL

Bond, S

Mrs S Bond

Core DSL

Lynne Coulson

Mrs L Coulson

Core DSL

Lambeth, A 2022

Mrs A Lambeth

Year 7 and 9 Pastoral


Bannister, S (2)

Mrs S Bannister

Year 8 Pastoral


Anetta Hegykozi

Miss A Hegykozi

Inclusion Liaison Manager

Sage v

Mrs V Sage

SEND Manager

N Skerritt

Mrs N Skerritt

Year 10 and 11 Pastoral Co-ordinator




Our Designated Teacher for Looked After Children is:

Mr M Crowley (Assistant Headteacher)

Our Nominated Safeguarding Governors is: 

Mr Zamir Tehal

Our Chair of Governors is: Mrs Christine Wavish


First Aid and Medical Room

Woking High School has a dedicated First Aid and Medical Administrator located in the Medical Room, who is First Aid trained. In addition to this, there are also a number of First Aid trained staff across the site who update their training on a regular basis. Our School Nurse, Lisa Kavanagh, also visits the school every 2 weeks but can be available for drop-ins on request. Please contact your son or daughter's Head of Year if you require support from the school nurse.

Challenge it. Report it. Change it. Together.

Woking High School is committed to preventing bullying, harassment and child on child abuse in all forms. We encourage all students to report concerns about themselves or others, including sexual harassment, mental wellbeing, friendship issues and bullying. We also train them to notice and respond safely to such situation through A2B activities. Students have three methods that they can use to report any concerns or worries:

•Using our anonymous reporting tool on our website; 

•Through our A2B worry boxes in their form rooms; 

•Speak to their Head of Year, Form Tutor, Pastoral Coordinator, DSL or a trusted member of staff. 

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Invacuation Policy and Procedures

Please read our Invacuation Policy and watch our Invacuation Training Video